In previous years, PorchfestNDG raised funds for these local organizations: (en français ici)
2024: Porchfest raised over $15,000 for Women on the Rise, a nonprofit organization based in NDG that offers non-judgmental, empowerment-based individual and group support programs and services to women and their families. Leur devise est « aider les femmes à s’aider elles-mêmes ».
2023: Porchfest raised over $10,000 for the NDG Community Council an organization that helps promote the arts by supporting projects and initiatives through collaboration, facilitation, training, brainstorming, grant writing, and the organization of art projects throughout the community.
2022: Porchfest raised $7,700 for Bienvenue à NDG, an organization that provides support to immigrant families and connects them with essential services.
2019: Porchfest raised $8,900 for a music program at the St. Raymond Community Centre. Find out about the other activities and services offered by the St. Raymond Community Centre.
2018: Porchfest raised over $6,700 for a multicultural choir at the Walkley Centre. Find out about the other activities and services offered by The Walkley Centre.
2017: Porchfest raised over $5,000 for the Westhaven-Elmhurst Community Association, which offers free programs for teens and young adults in the NDG area of Montreal. Tous les dons pour Balconfête NDG 2017 ont été versés afin d’améliorer les ressources pour l’éducation musicale des jeunes de NDG via les activités inclusives et accessibles du programme de Westhaven.
2016: Balconfête NDG est fier d'avoir levé 3 400$ pour le programme de musique de J2K, une initiative du quartier NDG!
2015: Each band raised money for the charity of their choice.
2024: Porchfest raised over $15,000 for Women on the Rise, a nonprofit organization based in NDG that offers non-judgmental, empowerment-based individual and group support programs and services to women and their families. Leur devise est « aider les femmes à s’aider elles-mêmes ».
2023: Porchfest raised over $10,000 for the NDG Community Council an organization that helps promote the arts by supporting projects and initiatives through collaboration, facilitation, training, brainstorming, grant writing, and the organization of art projects throughout the community.
2022: Porchfest raised $7,700 for Bienvenue à NDG, an organization that provides support to immigrant families and connects them with essential services.
2019: Porchfest raised $8,900 for a music program at the St. Raymond Community Centre. Find out about the other activities and services offered by the St. Raymond Community Centre.
2018: Porchfest raised over $6,700 for a multicultural choir at the Walkley Centre. Find out about the other activities and services offered by The Walkley Centre.
2017: Porchfest raised over $5,000 for the Westhaven-Elmhurst Community Association, which offers free programs for teens and young adults in the NDG area of Montreal. Tous les dons pour Balconfête NDG 2017 ont été versés afin d’améliorer les ressources pour l’éducation musicale des jeunes de NDG via les activités inclusives et accessibles du programme de Westhaven.
2016: Balconfête NDG est fier d'avoir levé 3 400$ pour le programme de musique de J2K, une initiative du quartier NDG!
2015: Each band raised money for the charity of their choice.